Fair College Admissions Process? 

More than 1,400 high school seniors from the class of 2021 indicates that many feel college admissions were not fair and we may have left one-third of high school seniors behind.

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Colleges will have to rebuild trust: One-third of those surveyed did not think the college application process was fair or easy.

"Overall the college admissions process is very unpredictable. The process is very tedious, time consuming, and overall just confusing. Many students get help from their parents and college advisors, whereas a lot of students don’t receive any help, leaving them at a disadvantage. This makes the college application process very unfair. Because of this, students who have stronger applications and more help throughout the process are usually held at an advantage by getting accepted to the top and receive more aid, leaving other students behind."


Download the full report and see what students are saying!